Tuesday, July 31, 2012

重拾執筆的日子 Starting over with blogging

天晴,是寫文章的好日子, 是寫文章的好時機. 回看上一個網誌的日期是二零零一年二月, 距離今天已經是年半前的事了. 今天懷着什麼的心情? 悲喜交集,有疑惑,但有想向前衝的感覺. 上回寫到如何努力為學業上掙扎,今天已經學有所成,已經大學畢業了. 這是喜. 今天又要重新為選擇職業而傷腦筋,為生活費而擔憂.不再年青.這是悲. 既然選擇了以執筆為生,那就先為自己開一個新的網誌,為自己那支已經生鏽的筆桿回復光鮮的樣子. Writing is beautiful in a shiny day that is the best time. Dating back to the last written article in the other blog, it was done in Feb 2012. How am I feeling now? I feel that is a mixture of happiness and sadness, I doubt but would run forward. Referring to the end of the other blog, it was mentioned that I struggled a lot in my University Studies- distance learning. I graduated my BA degree this year. This is happinesses. But today I have to consider my career prospect and living expenses that make me worried. The truth is I am not that young. This is sadness. The decision that I have made is to do writing as my career and rely on it to earn my living. I must get my rusted pen to shine again.