Tuesday, September 11, 2012

永不放棄,寫下去 My Writing Never Die

親愛的讀者,十分抱歉,放下了筆桿一段短日子,原因是在過去的日子裡,用盡氣力去應付新工作,真是倦透了.感謝主! 我可以利用這兩天假期繼續寫下去.

教學並不容易,教學對一個充滿熱誠的人很困難,因為她着緊教學對象,給自己壓力; 所有事情對於一個很認真的人都極之困難,因為那人太過認真, 她嘗試把適應時間縮短, 把所有錯誤都歸咎於自己.

不過, 筆者因著上帝慷慨地給她無盡的愛,讓她在觀察所有事物上,化腐朽為神奇, 將負面的思想,看成正面.

無論如何, 那些小學生也是單純的, 即使他們被寵壞,即使他們少不更事, 說一些令老師難堪的話, 他們總是有許多讓老師可陶造的空間, 現在只是一個學年的開始, 並不能即時看到裁培後開花結果的樣子, 老師不只可以因材施教, 更可以因愛施教. 用愛來作教學的基礎, 希望這種教學元素, 能讓學生自發地學習, 從而可以學有所成, 回饋社會.

Dear readers, I miss the days sharing my story with you. I didn't write because I made effort in adapting to my new workplace. I was burnt-out. But I can write again on my two days holiday again, thanks god!

Tutoring isn't easy especially for a passionate tutor because she is too serious about the learners and putting too much pressure on herself. A serious person would be stressed in all difficulites, she may try to reduce her time to adapt and blame the mistakes on herself.

Things aren't that horrible to Ada. She is a so blessed child of God with endless love. God's grace and love help her to see this is a world filled with love through God's magic. The negative thought fades away.

Children are gentle from any persective, even if they are spoiled and immature, they embarass tutors in front of their classmates, these bad elements become a part of them, they still always have space if tutors grow them for seed. It is only a start of an academic year, tutors may not only teach them depending on the capability and interest of the students, but also need to love their students with patience because love is the fundmental element of teaching. This combination of teaching hopefully can be an incentive for the students to take the initiative in learning so that they will contribute to our society after they are well-equipped.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

彩虹再現 The Rainbow comes

這幾天筆者感到有點失落, 承蒙上帝的錯愛, 適逄有當需要時, 也可以得到別人及時的鼓勵, 與此同時, 也觀察到植物的生態而得到啟發.

上週日, 我收聽一個電台節目, 由新城資訊台播放, 陳小寶主持的香港人情味,  訪問的嘉賓是關心妍, 她一再提到她曾經歷過沒有人找她唱歌的日子, 她猶豫是否要返回加拿大生活, 結果因為她認識敎會的弟兄邀請她去當義工, 她義務唱歌給別人聽, 她願意堅持下去, 結果, 她歌唱事業的生涯得以繼續下去.

另一邊廂, 我種植了一盆小富貴竹, 這盆小富貴竹和上一次種植的那一盆不同之處, 這次這個盆栽生長得十分茂盛, 原因是我每天也悉心照料, 每天也更換清潔的水.

這兩件事能讓我領悟到的,就是儘管遇到困難,也不要放棄; 每件事能夠開花結果, 就是因為每天也去苦心經營, 沒有不勞而獲, 也沒有經過悉心打理後而不能生長茂盛的盆栽, 生命的成長也同樣如事.

 I felt a bit down these few days but because of God's love, I was given encouragement on time. In the meantime, I was inspired by watching the growth of a small plant.

I heard a radio show broadcasting with a DJ, Chan Siu Bo (deskjockey) from Metro Radio last Sunday. The interview Guest was a singer, Jade Kwan. She told us she experienced her darkness, she was not offered any opportunity for singing in a period of time, then she hesitated if she was required to be back to Canada since then. Because she has a friend from church inviting her to volunteer her time to sing for free so that she was able to continue her singing career until now. She didn't give up.

Likewise, I plant a small pot of bamboo and observe that it has been growing properously day by day.
This is just because I change clean water for the bamboo plant every day.

What I have learnt from these two matters are no matter how difficult our situations we are facing, we must not give up; The goal that can be achieved is dependent on our continous effort. We can't expect to reap without sowing, we will make a seed grow after careful cultivation. Our personal growth are the same.

Friday, August 17, 2012

可親的母校 The Open U

母校的定義對於很多人來說, 大多是指中學時期的學校. 對我來說, 中學時代已經是很久以前的事了, 所以我會把公開大學說成是母校. 自己的黃金歲月就是在這所學府渡過, 尤其是我們修讀遙距課程的學生, 跟日校的同學相比, 可說是得到最少的支援, 主要是靠自律來完成學業, 我絶對不是說學校有所久奉, 在香港, 大部份可以實行的事也與金錢掛帥, 學校以自負盈虧的形式來運作, 我單純地欣賞辦學者的決心. 其實我最想表達的, 是自己每次看見同學們除了應付上班外, 下班後還帶着疲倦的身子來上課. 另一邊廂, 看見長者學生在圖書館裡專注地温習, 實在可敬和令我佩服不已. 能夠和一個地方結下縁份, 可算是自己莫大的榮幸.

Old school is likely to mean someone's secondary school for most hong kong people, but for me, I would perceive the Open University of Hong Kong to be timeless style, wisdom and quality with continued value in the present. So I would say the Open U is my old school. And my prime time was spent there, comparing with the full time student, we who study the distance-learning programmes may receive the least support.  What support us most to achieve our study goal is our self-discipline. I am not saying I find any deficiency at school. On the contrary, the operational method of this University is assumed sole responsibilty for it's profits and losses, I can see the determination of the founders of the University and perceive it without sofisticated and money-minded attitude. I would like to express most here is that students are exhausted after full time work and the elder students focus all their attention on revision and working out their assignments when I walk in the library corridor that I have great respect for their impressive attitude. I am so honoured to have encounters with those great people and become one of their family members.

物輕情義重 Lovely Bear Organiser

前晚跟友人吃飯, 這友人是我很好的朋友. 她在一個基督教非牟利的團體服務, 這個團體是服務一羣貧困的中國內地兒童,自己也曾在這個機構服侍. 她偶然會出外公幹, 最令自己窩心的, 是她在北京公幹時, 也不忘買了一份小禮物給自己, 是一本籌劃筆記本, 插圖是我最喜愛的小熊. 香港人大多是公務繁忙的, 在繁忙中還會有人顧念自己, 這種愛就是這樣在自己的生命日記上,留下了閃亮的一頁.

I had dinner with a good friend working for an non-profit Christianity organisation helping the poor children in Mainland China. She was on business trip one day and she brought me a teddy bear organiser. Her generosity really touched my heart. The organiser is having teddy bear illustrations that I like most. I am a teddy bear fanatic. Hong Kong people are always busy, however, someone like her still remembers me in her busy days, her thoughtfulness is inscribed on the diary of my life journey with a shiny page.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

女孩的禮儀(二) Social Etiqutte II

今天想和讀者分享基本的餐桌禮儀, 資料摘錄自王馨平著的<<女孩, 妳的禮儀>>.

先談西式用餐---一般情況,餐具是這樣擺放的. 使用順序是由外而內,從吃前菜,沙拉用的刀叉開始,到喝湯的湯匙,主菜使用的一定是尺寸最大的那副刀叉. 用餐未完時,把刀叉分開兩邊平放在碟上,用完餐時,則把刀叉拍着一起放在碟的旁邊. 未喝完湯,湯匙放在碗裡,喝完湯湯匙擺在碗的旁邊或碟的上邊.

喝湯時,舀湯的方向可以由內向外, 或由外向內, 這方面倒沒有嚴格規範. 宜注意的, 喝湯時不要發出聲音. 並宜以湯匙就口,而非低頭就著碗喝.

將麵包撕成小塊來擦奶油, 如果喜歡把麵包沾著湯吃, 仍應把麵包撕成小塊來沾湯吃.

吃肉排時使用的刀是鉅齒狀,適合用來切較韌的肉類. 而切肉排時順肉的紋理就較容易切了. 吃肉排時, 左手拿叉,右手拿刀 (左撇子相反) 從肉排邊縁開始切, 不宜先從中割切一大塊, 也不宜貪方便就先把肉排一次切成多個小肉塊.

吃義大利麵, 可以用叉子捲起 4, 5 條麵來吃. 如果麵條太過滑溜, 可以用湯匙稍作輔助.

說到這兒, 改天再談吃甜點.

Today I would like to share the table manner with you, the content is excerpted from <<Social Etiquette>> authored by Linda Wong.

We will start from western dishes-- The eating utensils - knives and spoons should be used from outside to inside, start with the salad knife and then the soup spoon, as well as the knife and fork for main course, put the knife and fork separtely over the dish for unfinished meal, put the knife and folk together aside over the dish when finishing the meal. It doesn't matter if you use your soup spoon from outside in or vice versa, there is no general rule for using it. We should pay attention to not make any noise when we have soup or bow down your head.

Break the bread into small pieces and it may be eaten with soup, but don't dip too much soup on the bread.

Steaks can be cut by zip zap knife, cut along the grain, use your left hand to hold the fork and the right hand to hold the knife (vice versa for using left hand write people) cut the steak from the edge but not in the middle for a big piece of the meat, the meat should be cut into small pieces.

Italian Spaghetti should be rolled up four to five noodles, the soup spoon can be assisted if the noodles are slippery.

We will talk about eating dessert some other day.

寫作的心路歷程 Feeling of my writing process

首先,我很感謝我那寥寥可數的讀者,要各位挨義氣去閱讀這個網誌, 我這樣說原因是網誌文筆明顯生硬, 配着廣式英文的翻譯, 並沒有熱門話題作為題材,今天是網誌的第十二天, 至少還有兩個多月才算完成三個月的限期. 是寫網誌的三個月試用期.
其實, 我的寫作方向, 不是要對現今社會時事作出評論, 我覺得社會實在太多人好批評, 不論批評人或事, 我不是說要默不作聲, 逆來順受, 但是對每件事也作出批評, 又是否對事情或那個被認為犯錯的人有着正面的影響呢? 我喜歡看事情的正面和欣賞每個人的優點, 就從這個角度出發, 抱着"有則改之, 無則加勉" 的態度鼓勵自己和身邊的人. 談論什麼人生道理, 我感到確實有點斑門弄斧, 即使年紀比我還要輕的朋友,可能人生閱歷比自己還要豐富.
我希望藉着這個網誌跟我有縁的網友,有些是自己的朋友, 分享自己尚未成功,仍需努力的想法.

First of all, I would like to thank all my readers here, thank you for bearing my blog which has rigid writing skill, Chinglish translation (Switch languages back and forth is painstaking but interesting) and unpopular topics. Today is the twelvfth day in this blog, I still have around two and half months to go to fufill the three months probation for this blog.

My writing direction isn't to give any comments on current affairs. I feel that people are prone to criticise no matter whether it is related to people or matters. I am not saying they should keep their mouths shut or bear the faults of the people. Will the criticisms or blame really benefit those people or other people? I would firstly find the positive side of any matter and the strength of that person, I would encourage myself and other people, if improvement is needed, then make improvements.

I have no expertise in talking about how the life should be, the youth with rich experience might be better than me. My purpose is to share my thought of hardworking and persistence with my friends and blog readers (predetermined encounters). Keep up our effort !

Friday, August 10, 2012

慷慨相助 Generous Help

今天有幸獲得兩位人士分別就兩件事情上相助,心裡感恩不已. 我覺得自己當然是受益者,不過,我相信他們比我更有喜樂, 因為"施比受更有福". 雖然我不知道是否將來可以報答他們, 至少自己可以藉着得到別人的恩惠, 將慷慨助人的精神延續下去.

I derived benefit from two people with two matters today, I thank God for that. I feel that they would gain even more than me because they are more joyful. It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts:20:35) Although I am uncertain if I can return their kindness but will extend this generous spirit onwards.