親愛的讀者,十分抱歉,放下了筆桿一段短日子,原因是在過去的日子裡,用盡氣力去應付新工作,真是倦透了.感謝主! 我可以利用這兩天假期繼續寫下去.
教學並不容易,教學對一個充滿熱誠的人很困難,因為她着緊教學對象,給自己壓力; 所有事情對於一個很認真的人都極之困難,因為那人太過認真, 她嘗試把適應時間縮短, 把所有錯誤都歸咎於自己.
不過, 筆者因著上帝慷慨地給她無盡的愛,讓她在觀察所有事物上,化腐朽為神奇, 將負面的思想,看成正面.
無論如何, 那些小學生也是單純的, 即使他們被寵壞,即使他們少不更事, 說一些令老師難堪的話, 他們總是有許多讓老師可陶造的空間, 現在只是一個學年的開始, 並不能即時看到裁培後開花結果的樣子, 老師不只可以因材施教, 更可以因愛施教. 用愛來作教學的基礎, 希望這種教學元素, 能讓學生自發地學習, 從而可以學有所成, 回饋社會.
Dear readers, I miss the days sharing my story with you. I didn't write because I made effort in adapting to my new workplace. I was burnt-out. But I can write again on my two days holiday again, thanks god!
Tutoring isn't easy especially for a passionate tutor because she is too serious about the learners and putting too much pressure on herself. A serious person would be stressed in all difficulites, she may try to reduce her time to adapt and blame the mistakes on herself.
Things aren't that horrible to Ada. She is a so blessed child of God with endless love. God's grace and love help her to see this is a world filled with love through God's magic. The negative thought fades away.
Children are gentle from any persective, even if they are spoiled and immature, they embarass tutors in front of their classmates, these bad elements become a part of them, they still always have space if tutors grow them for seed. It is only a start of an academic year, tutors may not only teach them depending on the capability and interest of the students, but also need to love their students with patience because love is the fundmental element of teaching. This combination of teaching hopefully can be an incentive for the students to take the initiative in learning so that they will contribute to our society after they are well-equipped.
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