Tuesday, August 21, 2012

彩虹再現 The Rainbow comes

這幾天筆者感到有點失落, 承蒙上帝的錯愛, 適逄有當需要時, 也可以得到別人及時的鼓勵, 與此同時, 也觀察到植物的生態而得到啟發.

上週日, 我收聽一個電台節目, 由新城資訊台播放, 陳小寶主持的香港人情味,  訪問的嘉賓是關心妍, 她一再提到她曾經歷過沒有人找她唱歌的日子, 她猶豫是否要返回加拿大生活, 結果因為她認識敎會的弟兄邀請她去當義工, 她義務唱歌給別人聽, 她願意堅持下去, 結果, 她歌唱事業的生涯得以繼續下去.

另一邊廂, 我種植了一盆小富貴竹, 這盆小富貴竹和上一次種植的那一盆不同之處, 這次這個盆栽生長得十分茂盛, 原因是我每天也悉心照料, 每天也更換清潔的水.

這兩件事能讓我領悟到的,就是儘管遇到困難,也不要放棄; 每件事能夠開花結果, 就是因為每天也去苦心經營, 沒有不勞而獲, 也沒有經過悉心打理後而不能生長茂盛的盆栽, 生命的成長也同樣如事.

 I felt a bit down these few days but because of God's love, I was given encouragement on time. In the meantime, I was inspired by watching the growth of a small plant.

I heard a radio show broadcasting with a DJ, Chan Siu Bo (deskjockey) from Metro Radio last Sunday. The interview Guest was a singer, Jade Kwan. She told us she experienced her darkness, she was not offered any opportunity for singing in a period of time, then she hesitated if she was required to be back to Canada since then. Because she has a friend from church inviting her to volunteer her time to sing for free so that she was able to continue her singing career until now. She didn't give up.

Likewise, I plant a small pot of bamboo and observe that it has been growing properously day by day.
This is just because I change clean water for the bamboo plant every day.

What I have learnt from these two matters are no matter how difficult our situations we are facing, we must not give up; The goal that can be achieved is dependent on our continous effort. We can't expect to reap without sowing, we will make a seed grow after careful cultivation. Our personal growth are the same.

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