這幾天筆者感到有點失落, 承蒙上帝的錯愛, 適逄有當需要時, 也可以得到別人及時的鼓勵, 與此同時, 也觀察到植物的生態而得到啟發.
上週日, 我收聽一個電台節目, 由新城資訊台播放, 陳小寶主持的香港人情味, 訪問的嘉賓是關心妍, 她一再提到她曾經歷過沒有人找她唱歌的日子, 她猶豫是否要返回加拿大生活, 結果因為她認識敎會的弟兄邀請她去當義工, 她義務唱歌給別人聽, 她願意堅持下去, 結果, 她歌唱事業的生涯得以繼續下去.
另一邊廂, 我種植了一盆小富貴竹, 這盆小富貴竹和上一次種植的那一盆不同之處, 這次這個盆栽生長得十分茂盛, 原因是我每天也悉心照料, 每天也更換清潔的水.
這兩件事能讓我領悟到的,就是儘管遇到困難,也不要放棄; 每件事能夠開花結果, 就是因為每天也去苦心經營, 沒有不勞而獲, 也沒有經過悉心打理後而不能生長茂盛的盆栽, 生命的成長也同樣如事.
I felt a bit down these few days but because of God's love, I was given encouragement on time. In the meantime, I was inspired by watching the growth of a small plant.
I heard a radio show broadcasting with a DJ, Chan Siu Bo (deskjockey) from Metro Radio last Sunday. The interview Guest was a singer, Jade Kwan. She told us she experienced her darkness, she was not offered any opportunity for singing in a period of time, then she hesitated if she was required to be back to Canada since then. Because she has a friend from church inviting her to volunteer her time to sing for free so that she was able to continue her singing career until now. She didn't give up.
Likewise, I plant a small pot of bamboo and observe that it has been growing properously day by day.
This is just because I change clean water for the bamboo plant every day.
What I have learnt from these two matters are no matter how difficult our situations we are facing, we must not give up; The goal that can be achieved is dependent on our continous effort. We can't expect to reap without sowing, we will make a seed grow after careful cultivation. Our personal growth are the same.
沒有人可以抓緊歲月,要讓逝去的歲月再次展現眼前,只有將生活的故事用文字記録下來,歲月才不至於流逝得無影無踪. Nobody can really seize the time, time flies like an arrow,only as we record our living stories by words, then our time will not flee away with no trace.(作者/譯者:袁穎思) (authored and translated by ada)
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
可親的母校 The Open U
母校的定義對於很多人來說, 大多是指中學時期的學校. 對我來說, 中學時代已經是很久以前的事了, 所以我會把公開大學說成是母校. 自己的黃金歲月就是在這所學府渡過, 尤其是我們修讀遙距課程的學生, 跟日校的同學相比, 可說是得到最少的支援, 主要是靠自律來完成學業, 我絶對不是說學校有所久奉, 在香港, 大部份可以實行的事也與金錢掛帥, 學校以自負盈虧的形式來運作, 我單純地欣賞辦學者的決心. 其實我最想表達的, 是自己每次看見同學們除了應付上班外, 下班後還帶着疲倦的身子來上課. 另一邊廂, 看見長者學生在圖書館裡專注地温習, 實在可敬和令我佩服不已. 能夠和一個地方結下縁份, 可算是自己莫大的榮幸.
Old school is likely to mean someone's secondary school for most hong kong people, but for me, I would perceive the Open University of Hong Kong to be timeless style, wisdom and quality with continued value in the present. So I would say the Open U is my old school. And my prime time was spent there, comparing with the full time student, we who study the distance-learning programmes may receive the least support. What support us most to achieve our study goal is our self-discipline. I am not saying I find any deficiency at school. On the contrary, the operational method of this University is assumed sole responsibilty for it's profits and losses, I can see the determination of the founders of the University and perceive it without sofisticated and money-minded attitude. I would like to express most here is that students are exhausted after full time work and the elder students focus all their attention on revision and working out their assignments when I walk in the library corridor that I have great respect for their impressive attitude. I am so honoured to have encounters with those great people and become one of their family members.
Old school is likely to mean someone's secondary school for most hong kong people, but for me, I would perceive the Open University of Hong Kong to be timeless style, wisdom and quality with continued value in the present. So I would say the Open U is my old school. And my prime time was spent there, comparing with the full time student, we who study the distance-learning programmes may receive the least support. What support us most to achieve our study goal is our self-discipline. I am not saying I find any deficiency at school. On the contrary, the operational method of this University is assumed sole responsibilty for it's profits and losses, I can see the determination of the founders of the University and perceive it without sofisticated and money-minded attitude. I would like to express most here is that students are exhausted after full time work and the elder students focus all their attention on revision and working out their assignments when I walk in the library corridor that I have great respect for their impressive attitude. I am so honoured to have encounters with those great people and become one of their family members.
物輕情義重 Lovely Bear Organiser
前晚跟友人吃飯, 這友人是我很好的朋友. 她在一個基督教非牟利的團體服務, 這個團體是服務一羣貧困的中國內地兒童,自己也曾在這個機構服侍. 她偶然會出外公幹, 最令自己窩心的, 是她在北京公幹時, 也不忘買了一份小禮物給自己, 是一本籌劃筆記本, 插圖是我最喜愛的小熊. 香港人大多是公務繁忙的, 在繁忙中還會有人顧念自己, 這種愛就是這樣在自己的生命日記上,留下了閃亮的一頁.
I had dinner with a good friend working for an non-profit Christianity organisation helping the poor children in Mainland China. She was on business trip one day and she brought me a teddy bear organiser. Her generosity really touched my heart. The organiser is having teddy bear illustrations that I like most. I am a teddy bear fanatic. Hong Kong people are always busy, however, someone like her still remembers me in her busy days, her thoughtfulness is inscribed on the diary of my life journey with a shiny page.
I had dinner with a good friend working for an non-profit Christianity organisation helping the poor children in Mainland China. She was on business trip one day and she brought me a teddy bear organiser. Her generosity really touched my heart. The organiser is having teddy bear illustrations that I like most. I am a teddy bear fanatic. Hong Kong people are always busy, however, someone like her still remembers me in her busy days, her thoughtfulness is inscribed on the diary of my life journey with a shiny page.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
女孩的禮儀(二) Social Etiqutte II
今天想和讀者分享基本的餐桌禮儀, 資料摘錄自王馨平著的<<女孩, 妳的禮儀>>.
先談西式用餐---一般情況,餐具是這樣擺放的. 使用順序是由外而內,從吃前菜,沙拉用的刀叉開始,到喝湯的湯匙,主菜使用的一定是尺寸最大的那副刀叉. 用餐未完時,把刀叉分開兩邊平放在碟上,用完餐時,則把刀叉拍着一起放在碟的旁邊. 未喝完湯,湯匙放在碗裡,喝完湯湯匙擺在碗的旁邊或碟的上邊.
喝湯時,舀湯的方向可以由內向外, 或由外向內, 這方面倒沒有嚴格規範. 宜注意的, 喝湯時不要發出聲音. 並宜以湯匙就口,而非低頭就著碗喝.
將麵包撕成小塊來擦奶油, 如果喜歡把麵包沾著湯吃, 仍應把麵包撕成小塊來沾湯吃.
吃肉排時使用的刀是鉅齒狀,適合用來切較韌的肉類. 而切肉排時順肉的紋理就較容易切了. 吃肉排時, 左手拿叉,右手拿刀 (左撇子相反) 從肉排邊縁開始切, 不宜先從中割切一大塊, 也不宜貪方便就先把肉排一次切成多個小肉塊.
吃義大利麵, 可以用叉子捲起 4, 5 條麵來吃. 如果麵條太過滑溜, 可以用湯匙稍作輔助.
說到這兒, 改天再談吃甜點.
Today I would like to share the table manner with you, the content is excerpted from <<Social Etiquette>> authored by Linda Wong.
We will start from western dishes-- The eating utensils - knives and spoons should be used from outside to inside, start with the salad knife and then the soup spoon, as well as the knife and fork for main course, put the knife and fork separtely over the dish for unfinished meal, put the knife and folk together aside over the dish when finishing the meal. It doesn't matter if you use your soup spoon from outside in or vice versa, there is no general rule for using it. We should pay attention to not make any noise when we have soup or bow down your head.
Break the bread into small pieces and it may be eaten with soup, but don't dip too much soup on the bread.
Steaks can be cut by zip zap knife, cut along the grain, use your left hand to hold the fork and the right hand to hold the knife (vice versa for using left hand write people) cut the steak from the edge but not in the middle for a big piece of the meat, the meat should be cut into small pieces.
Italian Spaghetti should be rolled up four to five noodles, the soup spoon can be assisted if the noodles are slippery.
We will talk about eating dessert some other day.
先談西式用餐---一般情況,餐具是這樣擺放的. 使用順序是由外而內,從吃前菜,沙拉用的刀叉開始,到喝湯的湯匙,主菜使用的一定是尺寸最大的那副刀叉. 用餐未完時,把刀叉分開兩邊平放在碟上,用完餐時,則把刀叉拍着一起放在碟的旁邊. 未喝完湯,湯匙放在碗裡,喝完湯湯匙擺在碗的旁邊或碟的上邊.
喝湯時,舀湯的方向可以由內向外, 或由外向內, 這方面倒沒有嚴格規範. 宜注意的, 喝湯時不要發出聲音. 並宜以湯匙就口,而非低頭就著碗喝.
將麵包撕成小塊來擦奶油, 如果喜歡把麵包沾著湯吃, 仍應把麵包撕成小塊來沾湯吃.
吃肉排時使用的刀是鉅齒狀,適合用來切較韌的肉類. 而切肉排時順肉的紋理就較容易切了. 吃肉排時, 左手拿叉,右手拿刀 (左撇子相反) 從肉排邊縁開始切, 不宜先從中割切一大塊, 也不宜貪方便就先把肉排一次切成多個小肉塊.
吃義大利麵, 可以用叉子捲起 4, 5 條麵來吃. 如果麵條太過滑溜, 可以用湯匙稍作輔助.
說到這兒, 改天再談吃甜點.
Today I would like to share the table manner with you, the content is excerpted from <<Social Etiquette>> authored by Linda Wong.
We will start from western dishes-- The eating utensils - knives and spoons should be used from outside to inside, start with the salad knife and then the soup spoon, as well as the knife and fork for main course, put the knife and fork separtely over the dish for unfinished meal, put the knife and folk together aside over the dish when finishing the meal. It doesn't matter if you use your soup spoon from outside in or vice versa, there is no general rule for using it. We should pay attention to not make any noise when we have soup or bow down your head.
Break the bread into small pieces and it may be eaten with soup, but don't dip too much soup on the bread.
Steaks can be cut by zip zap knife, cut along the grain, use your left hand to hold the fork and the right hand to hold the knife (vice versa for using left hand write people) cut the steak from the edge but not in the middle for a big piece of the meat, the meat should be cut into small pieces.
Italian Spaghetti should be rolled up four to five noodles, the soup spoon can be assisted if the noodles are slippery.
We will talk about eating dessert some other day.
寫作的心路歷程 Feeling of my writing process
首先,我很感謝我那寥寥可數的讀者,要各位挨義氣去閱讀這個網誌, 我這樣說原因是網誌文筆明顯生硬, 配着廣式英文的翻譯, 並沒有熱門話題作為題材,今天是網誌的第十二天, 至少還有兩個多月才算完成三個月的限期. 是寫網誌的三個月試用期.
其實, 我的寫作方向, 不是要對現今社會時事作出評論, 我覺得社會實在太多人好批評, 不論批評人或事, 我不是說要默不作聲, 逆來順受, 但是對每件事也作出批評, 又是否對事情或那個被認為犯錯的人有着正面的影響呢? 我喜歡看事情的正面和欣賞每個人的優點, 就從這個角度出發, 抱着"有則改之, 無則加勉" 的態度鼓勵自己和身邊的人. 談論什麼人生道理, 我感到確實有點斑門弄斧, 即使年紀比我還要輕的朋友,可能人生閱歷比自己還要豐富.
我希望藉着這個網誌跟我有縁的網友,有些是自己的朋友, 分享自己尚未成功,仍需努力的想法.
First of all, I would like to thank all my readers here, thank you for bearing my blog which has rigid writing skill, Chinglish translation (Switch languages back and forth is painstaking but interesting) and unpopular topics. Today is the twelvfth day in this blog, I still have around two and half months to go to fufill the three months probation for this blog.
My writing direction isn't to give any comments on current affairs. I feel that people are prone to criticise no matter whether it is related to people or matters. I am not saying they should keep their mouths shut or bear the faults of the people. Will the criticisms or blame really benefit those people or other people? I would firstly find the positive side of any matter and the strength of that person, I would encourage myself and other people, if improvement is needed, then make improvements.
I have no expertise in talking about how the life should be, the youth with rich experience might be better than me. My purpose is to share my thought of hardworking and persistence with my friends and blog readers (predetermined encounters). Keep up our effort !
其實, 我的寫作方向, 不是要對現今社會時事作出評論, 我覺得社會實在太多人好批評, 不論批評人或事, 我不是說要默不作聲, 逆來順受, 但是對每件事也作出批評, 又是否對事情或那個被認為犯錯的人有着正面的影響呢? 我喜歡看事情的正面和欣賞每個人的優點, 就從這個角度出發, 抱着"有則改之, 無則加勉" 的態度鼓勵自己和身邊的人. 談論什麼人生道理, 我感到確實有點斑門弄斧, 即使年紀比我還要輕的朋友,可能人生閱歷比自己還要豐富.
我希望藉着這個網誌跟我有縁的網友,有些是自己的朋友, 分享自己尚未成功,仍需努力的想法.
First of all, I would like to thank all my readers here, thank you for bearing my blog which has rigid writing skill, Chinglish translation (Switch languages back and forth is painstaking but interesting) and unpopular topics. Today is the twelvfth day in this blog, I still have around two and half months to go to fufill the three months probation for this blog.
My writing direction isn't to give any comments on current affairs. I feel that people are prone to criticise no matter whether it is related to people or matters. I am not saying they should keep their mouths shut or bear the faults of the people. Will the criticisms or blame really benefit those people or other people? I would firstly find the positive side of any matter and the strength of that person, I would encourage myself and other people, if improvement is needed, then make improvements.
I have no expertise in talking about how the life should be, the youth with rich experience might be better than me. My purpose is to share my thought of hardworking and persistence with my friends and blog readers (predetermined encounters). Keep up our effort !
Friday, August 10, 2012
慷慨相助 Generous Help
今天有幸獲得兩位人士分別就兩件事情上相助,心裡感恩不已. 我覺得自己當然是受益者,不過,我相信他們比我更有喜樂, 因為"施比受更有福". 雖然我不知道是否將來可以報答他們, 至少自己可以藉着得到別人的恩惠, 將慷慨助人的精神延續下去.
I derived benefit from two people with two matters today, I thank God for that. I feel that they would gain even more than me because they are more joyful. It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts:20:35) Although I am uncertain if I can return their kindness but will extend this generous spirit onwards.
I derived benefit from two people with two matters today, I thank God for that. I feel that they would gain even more than me because they are more joyful. It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts:20:35) Although I am uncertain if I can return their kindness but will extend this generous spirit onwards.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
總要得到 Never Give Up to Ask For
我們成年人很容易會因為怕別人一聲拒絶, 甚或未敢開口說出自己的需要就已經退縮. 那我們可能須要學習小孩子那不斷向成人說出自己的所想所求,那永不罷休的精神. 小孩子絶不會怕跌倒而放棄學行路. 又或是我四歲的姪兒,他可能為了一粒糖果,想玩一個遊戲, 於是他鍥而不捨地追問我可不可以......我只是說,有些時候成年人太顧及面子,明明心裡就是很想做某些事,但因為怕被拒絶, 將本來很有機會得到的, 就白白讓那些好東西溜走. 例如: 男生很怕女生給他吃檸檬. 反要女生主動地跟他們問安, 打開話匣子. 不過, 為了要成就大業 (不只限於結交異性) , 還不如學習小孩子那種鍥而不捨的追問和學習, 至少可以得到一個答案, 還可能有意外的收穫.
Most of the time adults are afraid of being rejected by people, they have not asked for getting their needs then they step back. (This may be different from western culture) We may learn from young children because they would keep asking for their caregivers to satisfy their needs. Infants would keep learning to walk until they can walk or my newphew aged 4 may ask for a candy or playing a game until we can satisfy him. I would say adults do not want to lose face even if they know their desires resulting in the things slipping away. Say men are frightened to be turned down by women to start a friendship, he is only waiting for the woman to start a converstion with him. Is this social etiquette? Nevertheless, we have to be brave and bold to achieve our goal (not only apply to the relationship), immitate the children "never give up asking for", we may get the answer or even unexpected rewards.
Most of the time adults are afraid of being rejected by people, they have not asked for getting their needs then they step back. (This may be different from western culture) We may learn from young children because they would keep asking for their caregivers to satisfy their needs. Infants would keep learning to walk until they can walk or my newphew aged 4 may ask for a candy or playing a game until we can satisfy him. I would say adults do not want to lose face even if they know their desires resulting in the things slipping away. Say men are frightened to be turned down by women to start a friendship, he is only waiting for the woman to start a converstion with him. Is this social etiquette? Nevertheless, we have to be brave and bold to achieve our goal (not only apply to the relationship), immitate the children "never give up asking for", we may get the answer or even unexpected rewards.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
愛. 回家 Home Sweet Home
愛. 回家是三色電視台的一套單元劇. 故事內容主要是圍繞着一個家庭和兩個辦公室, 內容確是寫實, 故事表達並沒有太誇張的手法,每個演員也演繹得恰到好處. 差不多每個角色我也喜愛, 尤其是那個富二代,樓尚友這個角色令我很有同感,當然我不是富二代,但我這温室小花和樓尚友有相似的特質,更被入世以深的人視為火星人.我不覺得阿友是傻子,不過,他確實未能掌握社會上的運作,不太懂得人情世故,不過,他懂得思考,在同一集裡他看似已經明白了多一點與人相處之道. 人有進步空間是好事,否則,做人也很沉悶. 我給這套單元劇一個Like.
"Home Sweet Home" which is a sitcom is being broadcasted in TVB now. The stories are mainly told about a family and two offices reflecting the reality without too much exaggerated expression and all the performers have done very well. I almost like every role especially for the role of successor, Anthony. I am not a successor but a spoiled grown child, we face the similar situation when we walk into the real world. We are viewed as alien by old birds. I don't think Anthony is an idiot, but he just does not understand the social operation of the society. However, he would ponder and show his understanding of how does the real world work gradually in the same unit of the sitcom . If we find there is room of improvement for us, it is good thing, orelse, life is too boring. I vote a "Like" to this sitcom.
"Home Sweet Home" which is a sitcom is being broadcasted in TVB now. The stories are mainly told about a family and two offices reflecting the reality without too much exaggerated expression and all the performers have done very well. I almost like every role especially for the role of successor, Anthony. I am not a successor but a spoiled grown child, we face the similar situation when we walk into the real world. We are viewed as alien by old birds. I don't think Anthony is an idiot, but he just does not understand the social operation of the society. However, he would ponder and show his understanding of how does the real world work gradually in the same unit of the sitcom . If we find there is room of improvement for us, it is good thing, orelse, life is too boring. I vote a "Like" to this sitcom.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
人生教練 Life Coach
曾幾何時, 我很想找一個人生教練, 想起不知要支付多少諮詢費, 結果便打消了念頭. 其實要清楚自己的人生方向或是要為自己訂下人生目標, 只有一個人會最清楚那個計劃, 那個人就是自己了. 只有不斷去嘗試, 從經驗中修正過來, 無論行了多少冤枉路, 總會發現原來自己是有自己的目標, 有自己渴望走的路, 這些已走過的路只是人生的一種學習, 古語有云: 無一事而不學 無一時而不學 無一處而不學, 當自己只是抱着學習的心態, 就不會對得失耿耿於懷, 路就可以繼續走下去. 求上帝引領.
I once thought of seeking help from a life coach in some years ago but I was worried about the consultation fee, I didn't think of it anymore. In fact, the person who knows my aspiration and my way to go is only myself. The key is to keep trying and learn from the experiences. Even if we are unable to walk straight and reach our destination at an earlier stage or need more time to find out our destination, we will be back on the right track that is our desire ultimately as long as we won't give up. Even though we walked through the valley, we can learn from all these experiences. Chinese saying goes: we can learn from every matter, every time and everywhere. If we take everything as our learning experience, we won't fret about the failure, we can keep reaching our destination. May God keep us!
I once thought of seeking help from a life coach in some years ago but I was worried about the consultation fee, I didn't think of it anymore. In fact, the person who knows my aspiration and my way to go is only myself. The key is to keep trying and learn from the experiences. Even if we are unable to walk straight and reach our destination at an earlier stage or need more time to find out our destination, we will be back on the right track that is our desire ultimately as long as we won't give up. Even though we walked through the valley, we can learn from all these experiences. Chinese saying goes: we can learn from every matter, every time and everywhere. If we take everything as our learning experience, we won't fret about the failure, we can keep reaching our destination. May God keep us!
Monday, August 6, 2012
阿門 Amen
沒有一個人每天也會過得快快樂樂, 但又不一定不如意事情是十常八九, 不過聖經的一句話很值得我們去緊記, 就是"喜樂的心乃是良藥,憂傷的靈使骨枯乾", 困難不會因為憂傷而自動解決, 唯有用喜樂的心去處之泰然. 喜樂的心是須要操練的,藉著持續的讀經和禱告,就是操練擁有喜樂的心的最徍方法. 不要說自己沒有能力辦得到,因為我們的力量是從神而來.
Nobody is very happy everyday, but life won't definitely be full of ups and down. A bible verse is valuable for memorizing. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." (Proverbs 17:22) Difficulties will not be solved with anxiety, only tackling the problem with a cheerful heart is a way out. A cheerful heart is acquired by practice consistently, Practice means that we read bible and pray persistently then we will be able to keep this cheerful heart. Never say we are not competent because compentency is come from God.
Nobody is very happy everyday, but life won't definitely be full of ups and down. A bible verse is valuable for memorizing. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." (Proverbs 17:22) Difficulties will not be solved with anxiety, only tackling the problem with a cheerful heart is a way out. A cheerful heart is acquired by practice consistently, Practice means that we read bible and pray persistently then we will be able to keep this cheerful heart. Never say we are not competent because compentency is come from God.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
女孩的禮儀(一) Social Etiquette I
今天我想介紹一本新書,就是王馨平著的<<女孩,妳的禮儀>>,我只想總結她的自序,因為只是自序,已經能夠將這本書的精髓盡顯出來.王小姐不但將她對社交禮儀的心得或知識跟她的讀者分享,她個人的修養更加從字裡行間中表露無為. 她的自序大意是女孩子要學習禮儀,不是要讓人感覺她是模仿什麼名緩,有禮貌的行為不是要買弄高貴,給人欺壓他人的感覺,而是應該讓自己生活周遭的人,無論什麼階層,在與自己相處之時,都能感覺自在,舒適.真正有禮貌的人,不是帶着假面具跟別人相處,而是可以真誠地在熟悉或不熟悉的人面前做回自己,聊天說笑,怡人自得.學習禮儀的目的,是為懂得替他人着想,尊重他人,從而尊重自己.(部份文子節錄自書中的自序) 我覺得王小姐的教導,尤其是禮儀就是一種為他人設想的行為,尊重他人,從而尊重自己,我覺得能夠具有這種做人的態度和言談舉止的女性,才算是一個真正温柔的女生.謝謝王小姐的賜教.
I would like to recommend a new book today, it is <<Social Etiquette for Girls>> authored by Linda Wong. I would only summarize her preface as it has already recorded the kernel of the book. Linda shared her tips of social etiquette and her words entirely show that she is so cultured. The major idea of her preface is that girls learn social etiquette aiming at making people feel comfortable getting along with them no matter they deal with people from different sectors rather than leaving people impression they maybe from upper class or they just show off her elegance or oppress somebody who may not respond the same. A person who really understands social etiquette reflecting in her conversation with people whom are good friends or even strangers with her sincerity. No need to pretend somebody. The ultimate goal of learning social etiqutte is that to be considerate with people respect people and respect herself. I deeply feel that a woman who has this attitude and behaviour is a real tender woman. Thank you so much for Linda's sharing.
Some of the words quoted in Linda's book <<Social Etiquette>> in Chinese version.
I would like to recommend a new book today, it is <<Social Etiquette for Girls>> authored by Linda Wong. I would only summarize her preface as it has already recorded the kernel of the book. Linda shared her tips of social etiquette and her words entirely show that she is so cultured. The major idea of her preface is that girls learn social etiquette aiming at making people feel comfortable getting along with them no matter they deal with people from different sectors rather than leaving people impression they maybe from upper class or they just show off her elegance or oppress somebody who may not respond the same. A person who really understands social etiquette reflecting in her conversation with people whom are good friends or even strangers with her sincerity. No need to pretend somebody. The ultimate goal of learning social etiqutte is that to be considerate with people respect people and respect herself. I deeply feel that a woman who has this attitude and behaviour is a real tender woman. Thank you so much for Linda's sharing.
Some of the words quoted in Linda's book <<Social Etiquette>> in Chinese version.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
與讀者閒談 Conversation with Readers
今天沒有一個特定的主題,原因是沒有太多時間去寫稿.一個專業作家,是沒有可能跟老總說:sorry,今天我有要事,不能交稿,雖然,我不是專業作家,但自己曾許下承諾,說過每天也要堅持寫一篇文章,一言九鼎,若然不能訂出主題,也可以跟讀者閒談.話題也來得自然,不用給自己無謂壓力.況且,今天晚上,收看了亞洲電視的"感動香港", 也可以和讀者分享.節目的嘉賓是李曾超羣女士和連愛珠女士,相信不用特別去介紹李太是誰,不過,可能有些年輕讀者不知道她是誰,她是西餅皇后,超羣西餅的創辦人,而連愛珠女士是香港愛滋病基金會總幹事.她們同是為社會作出很大的貢獻.李太在七十歲時陷入欠債四千萬的困局,然後經過十年光景把所有債務清還,往後更熱心公益,包括探訪護老院;連女士就致力於幫助受盡社會歧視的愛滋病病人.視財如命的人看見李曾超羣女士一夜之間身家化為烏有會有什麼感想?如果患上愛滋病的,是身邊的致愛親朋,您還會歧視她/他嗎? 這兩位傳奇人物,確實可以叫人藉着她們的故事去反思人生. I don't make a specific topic today as I don't have enough time to write. There's no excuse for a professional writer to tell the chief editor sorry I can't give you the script as I've got important thing to do. Although I am not a professional writer, I once made a promise to write an article in this blog every day within three months, no eating words, if I cannot make a topic, I may just chat with my readers and the topic comes naturally and no pressure on me. And tonight, I watched a TV programme in ATV called "Touching Stories of Hong Kong" that can be shared with my readers, the two main interviewees are "Maria Tsang" and "Lin Oi Chu". I believe many people would know Maria Tsang, just in case for someone who may not know her especially for the youngsters, she was called the Queen of Cake in Hong Kong and the founder of Maria's Bakery in 1966. On the other hand, Lin Oi Chu is the chief executive of the Hong Kong Aids Foundation. Both of them have made a huge contribution to the society. Maria was in four million debt when she was seventy and cleared debt within ten years, then she continued to do a lot of work for charity including elderly visiting. Likewise, Lin Oi Chu devoted her energy to help the Aids patients who suffer from discrimination. Suddenly weird questions on my mind, how would the people who die for the money feel about Maria's situation, she was broke in one night but she was once so rich? If the Aids patients were your beloved family members, would you still discriminate them? These two legends their stories are valuable for us to rethink our life.
Friday, August 3, 2012
懷着感恩的心 Thanks God for Everything
每人每天也會經歷如意和不如意的事,是否但求無驚無險又過一天就足夠呢? 活着就是要無風無浪,隨隨便便,就過一生?
每當有不如意的事發生時,您會怎樣? 不如意的事可以是輕微的,也可以是嚴重的,困難就放在眼前,那怎辦?
我只帶着一句說話,一句出自聖經的說話,"凡事謝恩"足以陪伴我渡過每個人生的風風浪浪.因為上帝的恩典夠我用的,我信. 只要從每件看似是對自己開玩笑的事報以一個微笑,問問它今次又帶了什麼禮物來給自己,失業?原來是入錯行,那就鼓起勇氣看清楚那個行業適合自己,東山再起.失戀? 發現原來那個傢伙跟本不是真心愛自己,那就好了,終有機會可以跟真正適合自己的人遇上了.冇錢?發現原來有許多工作是有工無人做,有許多有創意的人開創自己的小本生意,唔介意的,做兼職售貨員,看看那個失業者是否貪心,好高騖遠,不肯面對現實罷了.
Everyone must experience happiness and unhappiness every day. Would we expect we can make everything smooth every single day that can satisfy us? Or life can be no storm and no aim?
How would you respond when you meet a life storm? Life storm can be mild or big, so what to do?
"How many ten years do we have in our life?" becomes our catchphrase originated in a Cantonese TV series. So there may have many life storms coming to us, what to do?
I have my secret weapon to fight against all the storms of my life which is a bible verse originated in the Bible, "Give thanks to God for he is good". Psalm 107:1 , Amen. Only as I smile at the storm like a joke to me and ask, "what is the present for me this time?" "Loss my job?", Oh I found that I entered the wrong industry sector, oh I have to get out of here and be courage to watch carefully which industry sector is the best for me? Make a comeback! "We broke up?" Great! I ultimately have the opportunity to meet my Mr.Right. "I am broke?" I found that there are many underemployed jobs, some creative people start their small business, if I don't mind, how come work as a part time sales? Depends upon if that person with no job is greedy, aim too high, unable to face the reality.
I remember there was a radio programme at RTHK 1, "Linus Cheung's world", he's got his words of genius: There are too many greedy people in the world, happiness comes from sastisfaction.
And I would say: Anyone who is poor with contented heart is joyful, anyone who is rich with uncontented heart is anxious.
Give thanks to the Lord is the magic!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
尋回心中的熱情 Bring Passion Back
現在的我隨了忙着揾工外,心靈的鍛鍊對我來說是十分重要. 聽歌是一種吸取力量的來源. 昨天逛唱片店選購了一張CD,一張DVD.分別是"林憶蓮演唱會MMXI"和"作死不離三兄弟" 這兩張CD和DVD收錄了歌手,表演者和製作人的心血結晶,充份表現出他們的誠意和心中的那團火.他們完全將樂迷和觀眾推至一個不得不將他們心中的夢想傾倒出來的境界.我不會在這兒寫出"作死不離三兄弟"的劇情,我只會說,請從速搶購;至於林憶蓮的大碟裡面的歌曲:三更夜半Wild Mix,放緃.心碎.愛的廢墟,海闊天空,Memory Lane Mix,瘋了等等",都是Sandy的代表作.我不愛歌詞的意識,但我欣賞她的傾力演出,歌曲強勁的節拍,能夠帶動我懶洋洋的身軀,使我立即動身去實現自己的夢想,不再只是坐着呆等.她的歌曲陪伴着我一起成長.
Going to work, after work, eating, sleeping are the lives of ordinary people, they may have leisure activities after work, at least from Monday to Friday.
Apart from looking for a job urgently, strenghening desirable attitude is the key for me now. Listening songs can be my resource to keep my positive attitude. I bought a CD and a DVD in the Hong Kong Record yesterday. They are "Sandy Lam MMXI" and "3 idiots". Their common feature is to thoroughly demonstrate the sincerity and the fire inside of the singers,the performers and the producers reflecting in the dream of audience endeavouring to make their dreams come true.
I will not cover the content of the drama of 3 idiots, I would only say go get it now. But for the songs of Sandy Lam's CD album: 三更夜半Wild Mix,放緃.心碎.愛的廢墟,海闊天空,Memory Lane Mix,瘋了",all these songs are entirely Sandy Lam. I don't agree on the message of the songs conveying to the audience, but I appreciate her great dedication and enthusiam, and the base fast tempo makes my body move again, and her songs really make me take action in working out my dream, but not have a day dream. I have grown up with her songs.
Achieving your goal is required action. Ignite your fire inside you and take action!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
短期目標 Short Term Targets
相信有不少人也不曾為自己訂下目標,他們或許是年輕人,或許是中年人,或許是老年人.何以見得呢? 在我年輕時,我對人生漫無目的,自己沒有什麼特別的嗜好;今天,我還未步入中年,不過已經不再是黃毛丫頭了,發覺自己做了約干年文職,總是不能夠一心一意去苦幹,一直做到退休為止,心裡總是存有一件事,像是不幹不罷休,但是否以此為人生目標,也許不應說是人生目標,因為人生目標可以是廣義的,也可以是狹義的;那麼那件事是否人生其中一個目標呢? 如果答案是肯定的,那就必定要下定決心,排除萬難,因為若然那件事幹得有成績,將會對自己的人生有莫大的影響,也會對別人有影響,那麼我這個步向中年的人又確定了目標了嗎?至於老年人,以我所認識的,也只是弄孫為樂,儘管他們也對由自己親手寵壞的寶貝孫仔孫女略有微言,但他們有目標嗎?
It is believed that there are not so many people having set a target, they may be youngsters, middle-aged people, elders, How would this perspective be gotten? I had no direction of my life when I was younger, I do not have any specical interest. At this stage, I am not a middle-aged woman but not a naive young woman anymore. I found that I cannot very concentrate on working as a typical office lady after having worked for many years without a peace that can uphold this role until the retirement. The thing stirs my heart but I am not sure if it can become a life goal to achieve, or it should not be defined as a "life goal" because we may have different life goals. But can I set it as a target? I must be very determined to overcome all the difficulties. If the thing can be developed and succeeded, it will make a huge impact on my life or even influences some people, not sure how many. So have I been determined to work out this thing stirring my heart for so long especially for me approaching forty? But what about elders? These people who I know seem to spend all their time on taking care of their grandchildren that is supposed to be a nice job to enjoy in their age, but they would grumble about the spoiled kids whom are looked after by themselves.
Life is kept changing and unexpected. We are always unable to control what things are going to happen. But does it mean we shouldn't have a plan?
In the business world, the business people have to set the business direction and development in short-term target, mid-term target and long-term target. On the other hand, the investors need to make decision on long-term or short-term investment in stock market, they have their investment targets. All of these targets will not have a gurantee reward but they definitely help people to have their directions and a sense of security.
I am here not to make a promise, but to remind myself, for me, none of the games are more attractive than writing and none of the occupations are more interesting than playing word game. So now I set a short-term target for myself which is to write my blog everyday within these three months. Use my imagined rusted pen to write my articles and improve all of my rigid writing skills, the most important thing is to write a real me.
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