Friday, August 17, 2012

可親的母校 The Open U

母校的定義對於很多人來說, 大多是指中學時期的學校. 對我來說, 中學時代已經是很久以前的事了, 所以我會把公開大學說成是母校. 自己的黃金歲月就是在這所學府渡過, 尤其是我們修讀遙距課程的學生, 跟日校的同學相比, 可說是得到最少的支援, 主要是靠自律來完成學業, 我絶對不是說學校有所久奉, 在香港, 大部份可以實行的事也與金錢掛帥, 學校以自負盈虧的形式來運作, 我單純地欣賞辦學者的決心. 其實我最想表達的, 是自己每次看見同學們除了應付上班外, 下班後還帶着疲倦的身子來上課. 另一邊廂, 看見長者學生在圖書館裡專注地温習, 實在可敬和令我佩服不已. 能夠和一個地方結下縁份, 可算是自己莫大的榮幸.

Old school is likely to mean someone's secondary school for most hong kong people, but for me, I would perceive the Open University of Hong Kong to be timeless style, wisdom and quality with continued value in the present. So I would say the Open U is my old school. And my prime time was spent there, comparing with the full time student, we who study the distance-learning programmes may receive the least support.  What support us most to achieve our study goal is our self-discipline. I am not saying I find any deficiency at school. On the contrary, the operational method of this University is assumed sole responsibilty for it's profits and losses, I can see the determination of the founders of the University and perceive it without sofisticated and money-minded attitude. I would like to express most here is that students are exhausted after full time work and the elder students focus all their attention on revision and working out their assignments when I walk in the library corridor that I have great respect for their impressive attitude. I am so honoured to have encounters with those great people and become one of their family members.

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