沒有人可以抓緊歲月,要讓逝去的歲月再次展現眼前,只有將生活的故事用文字記録下來,歲月才不至於流逝得無影無踪. Nobody can really seize the time, time flies like an arrow,only as we record our living stories by words, then our time will not flee away with no trace.(作者/譯者:袁穎思) (authored and translated by ada)
Saturday, August 4, 2012
與讀者閒談 Conversation with Readers
今天沒有一個特定的主題,原因是沒有太多時間去寫稿.一個專業作家,是沒有可能跟老總說:sorry,今天我有要事,不能交稿,雖然,我不是專業作家,但自己曾許下承諾,說過每天也要堅持寫一篇文章,一言九鼎,若然不能訂出主題,也可以跟讀者閒談.話題也來得自然,不用給自己無謂壓力.況且,今天晚上,收看了亞洲電視的"感動香港", 也可以和讀者分享.節目的嘉賓是李曾超羣女士和連愛珠女士,相信不用特別去介紹李太是誰,不過,可能有些年輕讀者不知道她是誰,她是西餅皇后,超羣西餅的創辦人,而連愛珠女士是香港愛滋病基金會總幹事.她們同是為社會作出很大的貢獻.李太在七十歲時陷入欠債四千萬的困局,然後經過十年光景把所有債務清還,往後更熱心公益,包括探訪護老院;連女士就致力於幫助受盡社會歧視的愛滋病病人.視財如命的人看見李曾超羣女士一夜之間身家化為烏有會有什麼感想?如果患上愛滋病的,是身邊的致愛親朋,您還會歧視她/他嗎? 這兩位傳奇人物,確實可以叫人藉着她們的故事去反思人生. I don't make a specific topic today as I don't have enough time to write. There's no excuse for a professional writer to tell the chief editor sorry I can't give you the script as I've got important thing to do. Although I am not a professional writer, I once made a promise to write an article in this blog every day within three months, no eating words, if I cannot make a topic, I may just chat with my readers and the topic comes naturally and no pressure on me. And tonight, I watched a TV programme in ATV called "Touching Stories of Hong Kong" that can be shared with my readers, the two main interviewees are "Maria Tsang" and "Lin Oi Chu". I believe many people would know Maria Tsang, just in case for someone who may not know her especially for the youngsters, she was called the Queen of Cake in Hong Kong and the founder of Maria's Bakery in 1966. On the other hand, Lin Oi Chu is the chief executive of the Hong Kong Aids Foundation. Both of them have made a huge contribution to the society. Maria was in four million debt when she was seventy and cleared debt within ten years, then she continued to do a lot of work for charity including elderly visiting. Likewise, Lin Oi Chu devoted her energy to help the Aids patients who suffer from discrimination. Suddenly weird questions on my mind, how would the people who die for the money feel about Maria's situation, she was broke in one night but she was once so rich? If the Aids patients were your beloved family members, would you still discriminate them? These two legends their stories are valuable for us to rethink our life.
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