我們成年人很容易會因為怕別人一聲拒絶, 甚或未敢開口說出自己的需要就已經退縮. 那我們可能須要學習小孩子那不斷向成人說出自己的所想所求,那永不罷休的精神. 小孩子絶不會怕跌倒而放棄學行路. 又或是我四歲的姪兒,他可能為了一粒糖果,想玩一個遊戲, 於是他鍥而不捨地追問我可不可以......我只是說,有些時候成年人太顧及面子,明明心裡就是很想做某些事,但因為怕被拒絶, 將本來很有機會得到的, 就白白讓那些好東西溜走. 例如: 男生很怕女生給他吃檸檬. 反要女生主動地跟他們問安, 打開話匣子. 不過, 為了要成就大業 (不只限於結交異性) , 還不如學習小孩子那種鍥而不捨的追問和學習, 至少可以得到一個答案, 還可能有意外的收穫.
Most of the time adults are afraid of being rejected by people, they have not asked for getting their needs then they step back. (This may be different from western culture) We may learn from young children because they would keep asking for their caregivers to satisfy their needs. Infants would keep learning to walk until they can walk or my newphew aged 4 may ask for a candy or playing a game until we can satisfy him. I would say adults do not want to lose face even if they know their desires resulting in the things slipping away. Say men are frightened to be turned down by women to start a friendship, he is only waiting for the woman to start a converstion with him. Is this social etiquette? Nevertheless, we have to be brave and bold to achieve our goal (not only apply to the relationship), immitate the children "never give up asking for", we may get the answer or even unexpected rewards.
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