Sunday, August 12, 2012

寫作的心路歷程 Feeling of my writing process

首先,我很感謝我那寥寥可數的讀者,要各位挨義氣去閱讀這個網誌, 我這樣說原因是網誌文筆明顯生硬, 配着廣式英文的翻譯, 並沒有熱門話題作為題材,今天是網誌的第十二天, 至少還有兩個多月才算完成三個月的限期. 是寫網誌的三個月試用期.
其實, 我的寫作方向, 不是要對現今社會時事作出評論, 我覺得社會實在太多人好批評, 不論批評人或事, 我不是說要默不作聲, 逆來順受, 但是對每件事也作出批評, 又是否對事情或那個被認為犯錯的人有着正面的影響呢? 我喜歡看事情的正面和欣賞每個人的優點, 就從這個角度出發, 抱着"有則改之, 無則加勉" 的態度鼓勵自己和身邊的人. 談論什麼人生道理, 我感到確實有點斑門弄斧, 即使年紀比我還要輕的朋友,可能人生閱歷比自己還要豐富.
我希望藉着這個網誌跟我有縁的網友,有些是自己的朋友, 分享自己尚未成功,仍需努力的想法.

First of all, I would like to thank all my readers here, thank you for bearing my blog which has rigid writing skill, Chinglish translation (Switch languages back and forth is painstaking but interesting) and unpopular topics. Today is the twelvfth day in this blog, I still have around two and half months to go to fufill the three months probation for this blog.

My writing direction isn't to give any comments on current affairs. I feel that people are prone to criticise no matter whether it is related to people or matters. I am not saying they should keep their mouths shut or bear the faults of the people. Will the criticisms or blame really benefit those people or other people? I would firstly find the positive side of any matter and the strength of that person, I would encourage myself and other people, if improvement is needed, then make improvements.

I have no expertise in talking about how the life should be, the youth with rich experience might be better than me. My purpose is to share my thought of hardworking and persistence with my friends and blog readers (predetermined encounters). Keep up our effort !

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