Wednesday, August 1, 2012

短期目標 Short Term Targets

相信有不少人也不曾為自己訂下目標,他們或許是年輕人,或許是中年人,或許是老年人.何以見得呢? 在我年輕時,我對人生漫無目的,自己沒有什麼特別的嗜好;今天,我還未步入中年,不過已經不再是黃毛丫頭了,發覺自己做了約干年文職,總是不能夠一心一意去苦幹,一直做到退休為止,心裡總是存有一件事,像是不幹不罷休,但是否以此為人生目標,也許不應說是人生目標,因為人生目標可以是廣義的,也可以是狹義的;那麼那件事是否人生其中一個目標呢? 如果答案是肯定的,那就必定要下定決心,排除萬難,因為若然那件事幹得有成績,將會對自己的人生有莫大的影響,也會對別人有影響,那麼我這個步向中年的人又確定了目標了嗎?至於老年人,以我所認識的,也只是弄孫為樂,儘管他們也對由自己親手寵壞的寶貝孫仔孫女略有微言,但他們有目標嗎? 人生變幻莫測,事情往往就是不能在自己掌握之中,但是否代表了自己就不要為人生籌謀呢? 在商業社會上,可能是訂立公司業務的發展方向,要訂立短期,中期,長期的目標;又或是在股票市場上買賣,要決定長渣短炒,他們有自己的投資目標;但種種的目標雖則沒有保証會有回報,但總讓人辦事時有方向,有安全感. 我不是要在此許下諾言,不過要提醒自己,沒有一種玩意比寫作更吸引自己,沒有一種職業比玩弄文字更吸引自己,那先訂立一個短期目標,在三個月內,每天也在這個網誌上露面,揮弄這支想像的生鏽筆桿,將生硬的寫作技巧加以改善,寫出真我. It is believed that there are not so many people having set a target, they may be youngsters, middle-aged people, elders, How would this perspective be gotten? I had no direction of my life when I was younger, I do not have any specical interest. At this stage, I am not a middle-aged woman but not a naive young woman anymore. I found that I cannot very concentrate on working as a typical office lady after having worked for many years without a peace that can uphold this role until the retirement. The thing stirs my heart but I am not sure if it can become a life goal to achieve, or it should not be defined as a "life goal" because we may have different life goals. But can I set it as a target? I must be very determined to overcome all the difficulties. If the thing can be developed and succeeded, it will make a huge impact on my life or even influences some people, not sure how many. So have I been determined to work out this thing stirring my heart for so long especially for me approaching forty? But what about elders? These people who I know seem to spend all their time on taking care of their grandchildren that is supposed to be a nice job to enjoy in their age, but they would grumble about the spoiled kids whom are looked after by themselves. Life is kept changing and unexpected. We are always unable to control what things are going to happen. But does it mean we shouldn't have a plan? In the business world, the business people have to set the business direction and development in short-term target, mid-term target and long-term target. On the other hand, the investors need to make decision on long-term or short-term investment in stock market, they have their investment targets. All of these targets will not have a gurantee reward but they definitely help people to have their directions and a sense of security. I am here not to make a promise, but to remind myself, for me, none of the games are more attractive than writing and none of the occupations are more interesting than playing word game. So now I set a short-term target for myself which is to write my blog everyday within these three months. Use my imagined rusted pen to write my articles and improve all of my rigid writing skills, the most important thing is to write a real me.

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