Sunday, August 5, 2012

女孩的禮儀(一) Social Etiquette I

今天我想介紹一本新書,就是王馨平著的<<女孩,妳的禮儀>>,我只想總結她的自序,因為只是自序,已經能夠將這本書的精髓盡顯出來.王小姐不但將她對社交禮儀的心得或知識跟她的讀者分享,她個人的修養更加從字裡行間中表露無為. 她的自序大意是女孩子要學習禮儀,不是要讓人感覺她是模仿什麼名緩,有禮貌的行為不是要買弄高貴,給人欺壓他人的感覺,而是應該讓自己生活周遭的人,無論什麼階層,在與自己相處之時,都能感覺自在,舒適.真正有禮貌的人,不是帶着假面具跟別人相處,而是可以真誠地在熟悉或不熟悉的人面前做回自己,聊天說笑,怡人自得.學習禮儀的目的,是為懂得替他人着想,尊重他人,從而尊重自己.(部份文子節錄自書中的自序) 我覺得王小姐的教導,尤其是禮儀就是一種為他人設想的行為,尊重他人,從而尊重自己,我覺得能夠具有這種做人的態度和言談舉止的女性,才算是一個真正温柔的女生.謝謝王小姐的賜教.
I would like to recommend a new book today, it is <<Social Etiquette for Girls>> authored by Linda Wong. I would only summarize her preface as it has already recorded the kernel of the book. Linda shared her tips of social etiquette and her words entirely show that she is so cultured. The major idea of her preface is that girls learn social etiquette aiming at making people feel comfortable getting along with them no matter they deal with people from different sectors rather than leaving people impression they maybe from upper class or they just show off her elegance or oppress somebody who may not respond the same. A person who really understands social etiquette reflecting in her conversation with people whom are good friends or even strangers with her sincerity. No need to pretend somebody.  The ultimate goal of learning social etiqutte is that to be considerate with people respect people and respect herself. I deeply feel that a woman who has this attitude and behaviour is a real tender woman. Thank you so much for Linda's sharing.
Some of the words quoted in Linda's book <<Social Etiquette>> in Chinese version.

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