Friday, August 3, 2012

懷着感恩的心 Thanks God for Everything

每人每天也會經歷如意和不如意的事,是否但求無驚無險又過一天就足夠呢? 活着就是要無風無浪,隨隨便便,就過一生? 每當有不如意的事發生時,您會怎樣? 不如意的事可以是輕微的,也可以是嚴重的,困難就放在眼前,那怎辦? 人生有幾多個十年,相信這句話因為一套電視劇集成為了眾人的口頭襌,那麼這幾十個人生的年頭不斷有不如意的事發生,點算? 我只帶着一句說話,一句出自聖經的說話,"凡事謝恩"足以陪伴我渡過每個人生的風風浪浪.因為上帝的恩典夠我用的,我信. 只要從每件看似是對自己開玩笑的事報以一個微笑,問問它今次又帶了什麼禮物來給自己,失業?原來是入錯行,那就鼓起勇氣看清楚那個行業適合自己,東山再起.失戀? 發現原來那個傢伙跟本不是真心愛自己,那就好了,終有機會可以跟真正適合自己的人遇上了.冇錢?發現原來有許多工作是有工無人做,有許多有創意的人開創自己的小本生意,唔介意的,做兼職售貨員,看看那個失業者是否貪心,好高騖遠,不肯面對現實罷了. 記得一個我很喜歡收聽的電台節目,"張永霖的世界",裡面有他一句至理名言:貪心的人太多,快樂是要滿足的.我說:知足者貧亦樂,不知足者富亦憂. 感恩就是靈丹妙藥! Everyone must experience happiness and unhappiness every day. Would we expect we can make everything smooth every single day that can satisfy us? Or life can be no storm and no aim? How would you respond when you meet a life storm? Life storm can be mild or big, so what to do? "How many ten years do we have in our life?" becomes our catchphrase originated in a Cantonese TV series. So there may have many life storms coming to us, what to do? I have my secret weapon to fight against all the storms of my life which is a bible verse originated in the Bible, "Give thanks to God for he is good". Psalm 107:1 , Amen. Only as I smile at the storm like a joke to me and ask, "what is the present for me this time?" "Loss my job?", Oh I found that I entered the wrong industry sector, oh I have to get out of here and be courage to watch carefully which industry sector is the best for me? Make a comeback! "We broke up?" Great! I ultimately have the opportunity to meet my Mr.Right. "I am broke?" I found that there are many underemployed jobs, some creative people start their small business, if I don't mind, how come work as a part time sales? Depends upon if that person with no job is greedy, aim too high, unable to face the reality. I remember there was a radio programme at RTHK 1, "Linus Cheung's world", he's got his words of genius: There are too many greedy people in the world, happiness comes from sastisfaction. And I would say: Anyone who is poor with contented heart is joyful, anyone who is rich with uncontented heart is anxious. Give thanks to the Lord is the magic!

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